Informed consent for implant removal Informed consent for implant removal Date:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Patient name:(Required) Full name Implants to be removed (if you are unsure, please ask us): The removal of an implant is a surgical procedure. As with any surgical procedure there are some risks. These risks include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Swelling and/or bruising and discomfort in the surgical area. 2. Stretching of the corners of the mouth resulting in cracking or bruising. 3. Possible infection requiring additional treatment. 4. Trismus, or limited jaw opening due to inflammation or swelling, most common after wisdom tooth extraction. Sometimes this is a result of jaw joint discomfort (TMJ), especially when a TMJ disorder already exists. 5. Bleeding - significant bleeding is not common, but persistent oozing can be expected for several hours. Serious complications are not expected. Those which do occur are most often minor and can be treated. 6. Other complications may include trauma to the nerve tissue or blood vessels that may lead to loss of sensation of lip tongue check or other tissues in the mouth or altered sensation or pain. I give my full permission for my Dentist (please write the name of the doctor below) to remove my implant(s). I understand the risk and benefits of this procedure and have been given the ability to ask questions to the clinician. I also give my permission to receive supplemental membranes, bone grafts, or other types of grafts to build up the ridge of my jaw thereby assisting in placement, closure, and security of future placement of an implant, which may require additional charges. Name of the doctor: Once fully read and reviewed, please make sure that the above document is filled out appropriately. By signing below and submitting this document, we are assuming that it has been read in its entirety. All patient signatures will be verified for authenticity in the office. Signature(Required)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY